domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017

Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple

Write the correct form and order of the words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. We ________________________ (see already) Shrek 3.
2. The girls really ________________________ (enjoy) drama club yesterday.
3. 'Can I borrow your DVD of the Matrix?' 'No, sorry, but I ________________________ (not watch it yet).
4. Tom ________________________ (never take) part in a school play.
5. ________________________ (you see) eviction night on Big Brother yesterday?
6. Your dad ________________________ (just order) a satellite dish for our TV!
7. ________________________  (you read already) this magazine?
8. Alison ________________________ (buy already) The Bourne Ultimatum on DVD.
9. Pauline ________________________ (nearly finished) doing the crossword in a newspaper.
10. Where ________________________ (you buy) tht coat? It looks really expensive.

Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple

Write the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the words in brackets.

1. The film finished a few minutes ago.
The film __________________________ (Just)

2. I went to the new multi-screen cinema for the first time.
I ________________________ to the new multi-screen cinema. (Been)

3. Paul has never used an Xbox.
Paul___________________ an Xbox (Ever)

4. I don't want to borrow your novel. I read it last year.
I don't want to borrow your novel because I ______________________ (Already)

5. Costas started playing chess at the beginning of term.
Costas ___________________________ the beginning of term. (Since)

Kahoot Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple

This is a new Kahoot I've just created for unit 6.

Enjoy it!

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

So, such, too or enough exercises

Choose the correct answer A,B or C to complete the sentences.

1. My sister Althea has ________________ many pairs of shoes.
A such                     B too                        C enough

2. She hasn't got ______________ space in her cupboard for them all.
A such                     B so                          C enough

3. Most of them are _____________ impractical, she never wears them.
A so                         B enough                 C such

4. She buys new shoes every week, which is _____________ a crazy thing to do!
A so                         B too                        C such

5. She doesn't earn ________________ money to pay for them all.
A so much               B such a lot of         C enough

Rewriting too, so, such or enough

Write the correct words in the gap to complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first.

1. Mrs Peppas has invited six people for lunch and she has got the right amount of food for them to eat.

Mrs Peppas has got _____________________ for her six quests to eat for lunch.

2. Unfortunately, eight people arrived!
Unfortunately, _________________________ people arrived.

3. She sent her son to buy some more food, as the shop was quite close.
She sent her son to buy some more food, as the shop was _______________ far away.

4. The weather was really warm, so they ate outside.
The weather was ____________________ to eat outside.

5. They only had six chairs, so some people sat on the grass.
There were___________________ of people, some of them had to sit on the grass.

6. In the end there was some food left over, as she had prepared lots.
In the end, she had prepared ______________________ food for them to eat.

Question tags exercises

Provide the question tag in each sentence. You will find the answers at the end.


1. Mark has got very good friends, _____________                 6. Peter played handball yesterday, ___________
2. Frank and Rose walked a lot, ______________                   7. She would knock at the door,____________

3. We were studying hard, __________                                   8. My parents had broken it, ____________

4. Dan has been to Sweden, ____________                            9. I didn’t do my homework, ____________

5. I can speak French fluently, ____________                       10. I’m clever, _________


1. hasn't he?
2. didn't they?
3. weren't we?
4. hasn't he?
5. can't I?
6. didn't he?
7. souldn't she?
8. hadn't they?
9. did I?
10. aren't I?

Past Simple vs Present Perfect Simple exercises 2

Present Perfect + for/since.Write these sentences, choosing for or since:

1 I've worked here (for/since) six years.

2 I lived here (for/since) three months.

3 I've worked in the factory (for/since) 1970.

4 He's been abroad (for/since) five years.

5 I studied French (for/since) twelve years.

6 I've known her (for/since) 1982.

7 I've lived here (for/since) I was a child.

8 We've been in Paris (for/since) we were married.

9 I've known them (for/since) years.

10 We practised (for/since) months.

Past Simple and Present Perfect. Write the story, putting the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or past simple. If two

answers are possible, write the more likely one:

Ann Jones is one of the most interesting people I …………………….. (meet): she is only twenty-five, but she ……………………..

(travel) to over fifty different countries. Five years ago, she …………………….. (be) a typist in Birmingham, but she

…………………….. (decide) to give up her job and see the world. Since then, her life …………………….. (change) completely.

The first time she …………………….. (go) abroad was seven years ago, when she (be) just eighteen. She …………………….. (take) a

boat to France. She …………………….. (visit) Europe many

times since that first trip, of course, but this holiday …………………….. (be) the one which …………………….. (make) her start

travelling. She …………………….. (never forget) the excitement of those five weeks - although it was not all enjoyable. When she

…………………….. (be) on a train, somebody …………………….. (steal) her purse: she …………………….. (lose) all her money,

and (have) to work in a restaurant for a fortnight. She …………………….. (make) some good friends there, however, and

…………………….. (return) several times since then.



Present Perfect + for/since.Write these sentences, choosing for or since:

1 I've worked here (for) six years.

2 I lived here (for) three months.

3 I've worked in the factory (since) 1970.

4 He's been abroad (for) five years.

5 I studied French (for) twelve years.

6 I've known her (since) 1982.

7 I've lived here (since) I was a child.

8 We've been in Paris (since) we were married.

9 I've known them (for) years.

10 We practised (for) months.

Past Simple and Present Perfect. Write the story, putting the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or past simple. If two

answers are possible, write the more likely one:

Ann Jones is one of the most interesting people I 'VE EVER MET (meet): she is only twenty-five, but she HAS TRAVELLED

(travel) to over fifty different countries. Five years ago, she WAS (be) a typist in Birmingham, but she

DECIDED (decide) to give up her job and see the world. Since then, her life HAS CHANGED (change) completely.

The first time she WENT(go) abroad was seven years ago, when she  WAS (be) just eighteen. She TOOK(take) a

boat to France. She HAS VISITED(visit) Europe many

times since that first trip, of course, but this holiday WAS (be) the one which MADE (make) her start

travelling. She HAS NEVER FORGOTTEN (never forget) the excitement of those five weeks - although it was not all enjoyable. When she

WAS (be) on a train, somebody STOLE(steal) her purse: she LOST(lose) all her money,

and HAD (have) to work in a restaurant for a fortnight. She MADE (make) some good friends there, however, and

HAS RETURNED (return) several times since then.




Past Simple vs Present Perfect Simple exercises 1

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

I ........................... (watch) television for two hours yesterday.

Jim .......................... (live) in London since he was three years old.

We .......................... (not drink) coffee yet this morning.

Tammy .......................... never.......................... (listen) to anyone's advice. She thinks that she knows best.

After the burglars had broken into our flat, we .......................... (call) the police.

We .......................... already .......................... (eat) at this restaurant twice.



Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.

People often work hard to become famous, but a cat in Gulfport, Mississippi, .......................... (achieve) fame without any

effort. The cat, called Big Boy, .......................... (arrive) in town during a terrible windstorm. The strong winds

.......................... (push) him off the roof of a building, and he ........................... (fall) into a tall tree in a park. Since then, he

.......................... (never / leave) the tree. Children bring Big Boy food to eat, and the local paparazzi .......................... (take)

his picture several times.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

I WATCHED television for two hours yesterday.

Jim HAS LIVED in London since he was three years old.

We HAVEN'T DRUNK coffee yet this morning.

Tammy HAS never LISTENED anyone's advice. She thinks that she knows best.

After the burglars had broken into our flat, we CALLED the police.

We HAVE already EATEN at this restaurant twice.



Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.

People often work hard to become famous, but a cat in Gulfport, Mississippi, HAS ACHIEVED (achieve) fame without any
effort. The cat, called Big Boy, ARRIVED (arrive) in town during a terrible windstorm. The strong winds

PUSHED (push) him off the roof of a building, and he FELL (fall) into a tall tree in a park. Since then, he

HAS NEVER LEFT (never / leave) the tree. Children bring Big Boy food to eat, and the local paparazzi HAS TAKEN(take)

his picture several times.

Vocabulary about Street Art exercises

Write the names of the following images. You will find the answers at the end of this section.

1. Resultado de imagen de portrait draw       2. Resultado de imagen de collage   

  3. Resultado de imagen de landscape art    4. Resultado de imagen de sketch

5. Resultado de imagen de mural    
6. Resultado de imagen de still life    
7. Resultado de imagen de performance calle


1. Portrait
2. Collage
3. Landscape
4. Sketch
5. Mural
6. Still life
7. Performance art